Homeschool Mom & Daughter

Convinced: A Homeschool Mom Discovers Solution

Arms folded and mouth scrunched she simply said, “I have my B.S.-O-Meter on.”

At a major homeschool convention, Dave encountered a mother browsing through the show. She had never heard of the Assumptions Institute or our methods.

As she and Dave talked, he said to her somewhat presumptuously, “You have a burning question in your mind that will become like a screaming siren in your head over the next three years. You are wondering what will happen to your daughter when she goes off to the university where she will meet Mr. Professor. You have no confidence that she can figure out if what her professor tells her is really true, and whether it matches who God is and the truth in His Word or not.”

“Well, I have something very valuable for you and your daughter. It is a practical discernment skill that will allow her to see through the messages she encounters not just in school, but also in the media and the culture. The skill is so practical that it is a phone app, and, with a little practice, she will be able to see through those messages in as little as 20 seconds.”

An incredulous expression came across her face and she shot back skeptically, “Yeah, right!” Dave brought her into our booth to demonstrate the Critical Assumptions Test (CAT) on some clips from TV shows and movies.

Arms folded and mouth scrunched she simply said, “I have my B.S.-O-Meter on.”

Yet, it only took a couple of examples for this mom to grasp how easy and powerful the CAT is to help learners see through the messages in the media and academia. The mom bought a copy of the book and returned the next day with her daughter asking, “Will you show my daughter how to do this?”